Handmade Soap Care Tips

Handmade soaps are crafted with love and natural ingredients, making them gentle and luxurious for your skin. To get the most out of your artisan soap, follow these care tips:


✓ Keep it Dry Between Uses Prolong your soap’s life by using a well-draining soap dish. Excess water can cause your soap to soften, so ensure it has a chance to dry completely between uses.


✓ Store in a Cool, Dry Place When not in use, store your soap in a cool and dry area away from direct sunlight. Heat and humidity can shorten the life of your soap.


✓ Cut Larger Bars For longer-lasting use, consider cutting larger soap bars into smaller pieces. This minimizes exposure to water and allows you to enjoy your soap over time.


✓ Rotate Your Soaps If you own multiple bars, rotate them regularly. This ensures each bar dries properly and stays fresh.


✓ Use a Soap Saver Place soap remnants on a soap saver or mesh bag to prevent waste and enjoy every last bit of your bar.